"A casa con le stelle" è il nome di quest'azione realizzata dall'agenzia BBR Saatchi & Saatchi di Tel Aviv per comunicare il recente ampliamento della programmazione televisiva di HOT Telecommunication Systems Ltd.
I passanti sono stati invitati a portare via alcune delle 6ooo sagome di vip posizionate su un billboard magnetico lungo 140 metri.
Background - To maintain its leadership in an aggressive marketplace, the HOT cable TV network decided recently to increase its programme acquisition, adding more award-winning shows to its portfolio
Brief - Position HOT as the network with the best shows and the hottest stars to offer its customers
Execution - As part of a 360 campaign entitled ‘At home with the stars’, BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv created a 140 meter long magnetic billboard, onto which it attached over 6,000 cut-outs of entertainment celebrities that the public was invited to peel off and take home with them
Results - The entire display was stripped bare within 2 hours of launch, and was consequently restocked several times. The event became an instant hit and was picked up by leading media channels, including live coverage on breakfast TV.
Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv, Israel
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